




The data published on this website reflect my personal opinion.


Please take into account that, according to the state of my knowledge, changes may occur in the identification and classification of the taxa.


The genus Kalanchoe Adans. is understood here in its broad sense, i.e. including the genera Bryophyllum Salisb. and Kitchingia Baker as synonyms.


The basic source for this homepage is the compilation of the genus Kalanchoe by:


    Descoings, B. in Eggli, U. (ed.)

    Sukkulenten-Lexikon, Volume 4 (Crassulaceae), pages 147-188 (2003)

    [= Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants, German edition]


For plant descriptions, synonyms, distribution and type data as well as remarks on individual species, please use the mentioned work.


Furthermore, I endeavour to consult all works published since the publication of this synopsis - new descriptions, journal articles, books - and to classify them in the existing system, as well as to collect the works as physical or digital copies.





Species list


The taxa listed here, largely correspond with the accepted taxa in the Succulent Lexicon.


Since the publication of the Succulent Lexicon newly described taxa have been included, if it has been clearly shown, how the new taxon differs from alredy known taxa.


For many taxa of Kalanchoe, the range of variation is not yet understood - often because only single or few collections have been studied, or because widespread taxa have only been considered regionally.


Several species, newly described since 2016 onwards, are not listed here, because in my current species concept the are within the range of variation of alredy known species - for me they are synonyms of this taxa.

Since all the new species are known to me only from the descriptions, and no living plants nor herbarium speciemens are available, an accurate examination - and revision of my current view - is not possible.


Several taxa are included in the list, that can clearly be treated as synonyms. This taxa are widespread in cultivation and can be identified quite easily.

This synonyms are presented with the intention, to give the possibility to assign plants with valid published names by image comparision, although these names are not accepted.





Publication place


For each taxon the publication place of the first description is listed; in case for recombinations together with the respective basionym; for validations together with the underlyying synonym.


As usual in botanical works, the nomenclatorically determining place is cited.

In general, on the cited page a diagnosis or description in Latin is published. Since 2012, the diagnosis or description can also be in English.

In the case of description without Latin part - allowed until 1934 - the entire text belonging to the taxon is cited as description


All citations where the place of publication has ben written-out, have been individually checked for their completeness and correctness (the are available as original, photocopy or digital copy).


Some individual citations may differ from the citation in the International Plant Name Index (IPNI), because all entries have not yet been checked in the IPNI.


In the case of abreviated citations, the information could not be verified due to lack of access to the original publication. In this case, the abreviation, page number and year correspond with the entries in the IPNI.


The author names of all taxa have also been checked and correspond to the standards in the IPNI.







Taxa whose names are written in bold letters have illustrations, wich can be enlarged by clicking on them.


If no illustrations are available, the following reasons are given:


    No plants known in cultivation.

    means that no information is available that this taxon is cultivated anywhere.


    No plants seen in cultivation.

    means that plants of this taxa may be cultivated in some collection, but not yet seen by me.


In the same category quite a number of taxa have also been placed, for the reason that no doubtless determined plants where available.

To avoid further confusion, no illustration is provided.


The source of the photographed plants is given for all accessions. Details of the information will be provided on request.


After the source, it is stated where the plants depicted was photographed.


Most of the photographs were taken in the Kalanchoe collection of the Botanical Garden Darmstadt.


I have tried to show all important plant parts. Whenever possible, the same plant was photographed to illustrate developments. In some cases, however, exceptions to this rule had to be made.


For photographs of poor quality, I bid for apologies.


Please note, that all pictures are subject to German copyright law; all were taken by the author of this website.